"That's a '95, proto. That board absolutely Ripped!!! Put it on the wider stance, with flexy plates and moderately soft Hardshells, and GET OUT OF MY WAY!! I could arc 180* carves on manmade East-Coast Hardpack on any Intermediate trail with ease on these! Unreal edge hold and good 'pop' off the tail. The wider nose kept spray off of your face on toesides, and helped a bit in soft snow, too. Gordon (@ Okemo) Robbins would, at 53 yrs on, doff his hat, and parade 'Greys on trays' right under the chairs on Saturday morning on these, sporting about 4-5 'oldies' following behind, laying over easy, fluid carves that invited anyone to come learn from the Okemo snowboard School. Burnham and i had other thoughts, being 20+ years younger, but more experienced in riding. We'd bomb these suckers as fast as we could!, Kevin B. would even dance these through expert moguls, using the flex-hinge Dachsteins to full advantage here to beat skiers through the bumps! I'd content myself with looped lines in layed-over pose that defied any pre-98 skier's ability in radius or full-ness-of-arc by many meters. Hell, I could, on occasion cross my own tracks in a single arc!! Asym's RULE, and these were amounst the best, ever! "P.S.R."" von Eric Brammer am 30. November 2014 07:34:58 CET
"Hello, I have a lacroix asym board its called supernida I can not remember the year i bought it but it must be around 95. I am still riding it and to me its the best carving i have exp. i am riding it with burton torque bindings with soft boots . I can send you some pics of it if you wish.
" von Dave am 25. Januar 2015 21:13:32 CET
"Mein erstes Board 1997 für 25 D-Mark gekauft und beschwerlich auf Raceboard-Bindung mit Skischuhen gelernt. Eigentlich hätte ich es mir a..." » zum Board...
von Eric Brammer am 30. November 2014 07:34:58 CET
von Dave am 25. Januar 2015 21:13:32 CET